Supporting Neurodiversity in Entreprenuers

The workplace can be a stressful environment for Neurodivergent people, when mismanaged it can become easy for these individuals to become disillusioned, unmotivated and exhausted with work culture. It is hardly surprising that many of these people choose to forge their own path an become their own boss!

It is estimated that people with ADHD are 500% more likely to become entrepreneurs, with almost 29% of the diagnosed adult population owning their own business. People on the autism spectrum are also statistically twice as likely to successfully launch an entrepreneurial pursuit than their neurotypical counterparts. A study of self-made millionaires in the UK found that 40% suffered from Dyslexia.

This still doesn’t mean it’s EASY….

While some traits of being ND such as High Energy Levles, divergent thinking, passion driven problem solving, ability to multitask and enhanced perception and curiosity make a natural skill set for a successful entrepreneur sometimes there can be a difficulty harnessing that potential or putting it to productive use. Coupled with the fact many ND people also struggle with other mental health conditions additional complications often present themselves.

Everyone’s experience with Neurodivergence is unique and therefore tailor made support is essential to create an environment where these individuals can thrive in and out of a business setting.

I GET IT!” and how I can help

With experience in the pastoral side of the education sector and a lifetime of dealing with my own ADHD I do believe I can help other Neurodivergent entrepreneurs. I appreciate that the small issues can feel gargantuan and sometimes it can be hard to navigate your way to the desired result.

Everyone’s experience with Neurodivergence is unique and so is the support you should receive.

Entreprenuers may benefit from -

  • Regular coaching sessions where they can discuss their current and future intentions while setting achievable goals with time scales

  • Help with big picture thinking, delegation and outsourcing tasks

  • Dealing with burnout and addressing work - life balance

  • Creating a support plan for dealing with new experiences

  • Developing interpersonal skills to improve interactions with employees and clients

  • Streamlining workflow and advocating for your own needs

  • Having a non-involved correspondent empathetic to your struggles who is available for you to express feelings and emotions in a holistic capacity.

Obviously this list barely scratches the surface on the sort of support Neurodivergent individuals may require but one of my passions is helping people who struggle with neurodivegency uncover the support they require to allow them to access their unbound potential.

If you think you could benefit from any of the above do not hesitate to get in touch for a free 30 minute conversation to see if I can support you and your business.